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This series begins in 1816, the Year without Summer, and follows the lives and loves of Harriet and Sophie Handley, and their friends Lucy Williams and Louisa Bradbury. These are quiet, gentle stories with a strong faith element.

This series focuses on three sisters--fiery and determined Susannah, romantic Becky, and practical Nan as they open a millinery shop in Tansley Village. These are more spirited sisters than the Handley girls, and these books contain a strong faith element.

These anthologies are tied together by the formidable Duke of Danby, who happens to be an incurable matchmaker and meddler deluxe. Each novella follows the hapless relatives of the Duke as they try to avoid his matrimonial clutches. These are stories with no faith element and varying levels of heat depending upon the author. The Lily George novellas are sweet and have no heat.

These are the individual Lily George novellas previously included in anthologies. These novellas are sweet and have no heat, and no faith element.

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